Intelligence Engine

In a nutshell

The Intelligence Engine provides you with a crystal clear, 360° picture of your market position versus your competitors. We’ve specifically developed it to render your marketing battlefield transparent, harnessing AI to turn the deluge of data into a treasure trove of insight.

What’s it good for?

Advanced analytics and marketing intelligence

Information is power but we know only too well that today’s problem is extracting the signal from the noise. 

That’s why - though Intelligence Engine is powered by a Niagara Falls of data - what you see is the Zen-calm of a custom portal that puts everything at your fingertips: 

  • Key opportunities and emerging threats

  • Competitor activity tracking

  • Comprehensive benchmarking

  • Detailed marketing performance data

  • Share of Voice

  • Global traffic analytics

  • Social listening intel

  • Trend analysis

The system is fully customisable, usable at a glance, and generates tailored reports, so you can make informed decisions that will increase marketing effectiveness.  

A winning blend of human insight and AI horsepower

Our AI collects, sorts, and interprets vast and disparate datasets at superhuman speed.

Moreover, we work with top-tier industry partners to align our models to the individual needs of each client. 

The upshot is that our AI is calibrated to accurately synthesize billions of relevant data signals that would overwhelm any human team. 

But you needn’t worry about any ‘Rise of the Robots’ scenarios here. Our lovably organic Research & Data team supervise and validate Intelligence Engine’s output. They’ll offer their expert recommendations and insights to guarantee the ideal blend of machine precision and human wisdom.

Assess, decide, win 

For both your own brand and your competitors, our business intelligence analytics reveals:

  • How audiences are responding to current marketing efforts

  • Key search and social trends among your target audiences

  • Media and search profiles including results, costs, buying methods, distribution, volumes, formats, engagement levels, traffic share, and referral traffic 

  • Investment levels 

  • Gaps and opportunities across digital channels

  • Social share of conversation, sentiment, mention volumes, reach, and important themes and topics arising in your market 

Naturally, you can explore the data from any angle you choose: quickly dialing up relevant insights for your priority territories, categories, competitors, brands, and products.